Maybe this Blog will become a great one, read by thousands of people weekly. Maybe I'll close this account after a month. But probably somewhere in the middle ground.
Why have Blogs become so popular? People want other people to know what they think. Simple. Maybe they have interesting lives, maybe not. Maybe they share juicy secrets, maybe they don't. I probably don't have either. Middle ground. But this might all change soon, seeing as how I'll soon be going to college (University of Massachusetts Amherst) this fall.
What about THIS blog? Well, the world is confusing. No dispute. People can't agree on anything. I feel better putting my explanation in writing. And I'm willing to debate on issues. So, essentially: I put my opinion and rationale on the table. You can read it, respond, try to refute, etc. like a discussion forum. (This is probably becuase the other forums I've been to would prefer to keep political discussion out.)