You can't pick up chicks in a Corolla.
This is compunded by the fact that my 1994 Toyota Corolla currently has a rear fender with a deep dent and has the same paint color as at least five or six other cars I've seen. I hate it when I see a car that looks EXACTLY like mine. You must imagine how frustrating it has become after 5-6 identical vehicles.
At least it was a cheap car. Our family has three cars, none of which are particularly new. When I was first learning to drive about a year ago, I started in my mother's '93 Plymouth Voyager minivan. But after finding out that I would need a car with an emergency brake for a drivers' license test, I started driving my dad's '96 Chrysler Sebring convertible. Then we got the aforementioned '94 Corolla becuase my dad thought it would be a "nice little car" for my brother and I to learn to drive on. Each time I switched cars, it felt like I had to learn to drive again, becuase each had a different acceleration level, view obstructions, etc...
I wasn't very thrilled about learning to drive. I didn't have a lot of places I wanted to go that I could walk to (I enjoy walking, and besides, other than the occasional walk, I get virtually no exercise). I didn't put my heart into learning to drive, and failed the drivers' license test twice before passing the third time.
You're probably asking, "You said something about influencing a decision...what is the decision you want us to influence, already?" I refer you again to the paint job of the '94 Corolla. Currently, it's a blue-green color that seems all too common among cars of the same make and model. My brother and I agree that we want to paint this car, but we can't agree on a color: I want a bright red, and he wants to paint it a mint green(why?). Seeing as how we'll never agree, I put it to you, the readers, to give some suggestions as to the color I should make this car.
Post your suggestions as comments to this article.
And that's my story.