Influence a Decision
Published on August 27, 2004 By MrBadAxe In Misc
You can't pick up chicks in a Corolla.

This is compunded by the fact that my 1994 Toyota Corolla currently has a rear fender with a deep dent and has the same paint color as at least five or six other cars I've seen. I hate it when I see a car that looks EXACTLY like mine. You must imagine how frustrating it has become after 5-6 identical vehicles.

At least it was a cheap car. Our family has three cars, none of which are particularly new. When I was first learning to drive about a year ago, I started in my mother's '93 Plymouth Voyager minivan. But after finding out that I would need a car with an emergency brake for a drivers' license test, I started driving my dad's '96 Chrysler Sebring convertible. Then we got the aforementioned '94 Corolla becuase my dad thought it would be a "nice little car" for my brother and I to learn to drive on. Each time I switched cars, it felt like I had to learn to drive again, becuase each had a different acceleration level, view obstructions, etc...

I wasn't very thrilled about learning to drive. I didn't have a lot of places I wanted to go that I could walk to (I enjoy walking, and besides, other than the occasional walk, I get virtually no exercise). I didn't put my heart into learning to drive, and failed the drivers' license test twice before passing the third time.

You're probably asking, "You said something about influencing a decision...what is the decision you want us to influence, already?" I refer you again to the paint job of the '94 Corolla. Currently, it's a blue-green color that seems all too common among cars of the same make and model. My brother and I agree that we want to paint this car, but we can't agree on a color: I want a bright red, and he wants to paint it a mint green(why?). Seeing as how we'll never agree, I put it to you, the readers, to give some suggestions as to the color I should make this car.

Post your suggestions as comments to this article.

And that's my story.

on Aug 27, 2004
Well, if you never want to lose it, go with red and green stripes.